Tuesday, July 17, 2007

t-mobile gives you WINGS!

We've gotten a little out of hand with spending for the honeymoon. Lately its been our excuse for buying whatever we want. I need a new pair of shoes, its for the honeymoon. I want a new car, its for the honeymoon. Well, ok, maybe not the car.....although.

One of the latest things we've splurged on is a new cell phone for Ryan. This is the WING from T-Mobile, and basically its a PDA with phone service. Kelly got a new Coach purse. Ryan's phone can send e-mails, compose Microsoft Word documents, Excel Documents, Power Point presentations, Surf the Web, connect via Wi-Fi, take pictures and video, GPS, and play media. We're pretty sure it makes phone calls as well. Kelly's purse does none of this.

Does Ryan actually need any of these things, no, does Kelly need a purse, yes. Then again you wouldn't be looking at this page without the new cell because its going to be our main means of sending photos and blogging while away. So there.

1 comment:

Bill said...

Stay away from electricity remember your Walters son.

Bill S,